

Blur Image (Image Processing)


Blurs an Image.


Blurring describes the action of smoothening an image. This is usually done by aggregating the pixel values for each pixel in a given area.

This operator provides two methods of blurring. Median blur and normalized box blur.

Median Blur blurs an image using the median filter. The function smoothes an image using the median filter with the kernel_size x kernel_size aperture. Each channel of a multi-channel image is processed independently.

Normalized box blurs an image using the normalized box filter. The function smooths an image using the kernel of size kernel_width x kernel_height, where each value in the kernel is 1/(kernel_width*kernel_height).


  • image

    The image object to blur


  • image

    The blurred image

  • ori

    The original image.


  • blurring_method Defines what method to use. Range:
  • kernel_size Kernel size for median blur. The bigger the more you blur the image. Needs to be an odd number. Range:
  • kernel_width Kernel width for the normalized_box blur. The bigger the more you blur the image. Range:
  • kernel_height Kernel heigth for the normalized_box blur. The bigger the more you blur the image. Range:

Tutorial Processes

Blur the skyline of Dortmund